Team in Peru

Team in Peru

Monday, February 28, 2011


As time draws closer to leave, there become feelings of anxiety.  Each person deals with anxiety in different ways.  Please pray for the team that they will be able to lean on the One who will bring rest and peace during this time of preparation that can bring these anxious moments.  Pray that those who are used to being in control will be able to hand this over and let God "do".  Pray that those who are anxious about what lies ahead of them in Gabon, that they will be able to lay this trip down before the Lord.  Pray for those who are anxious about stepping out of their comfort zone, that they will know what it means to take a hold of His hand and know that He is right there beside them.  God is bigger than all of this - rest in this and find peace in Him.


Sunday was the Commissioning Service for the 13 people who are participating on this trip to Gabon.  Praise God for these individuals and continue to pray for this final week of preparation.  Pray for safe travels, good health, team unity, and for open hearts of the lives that this team comes in contact with and that God work in the lives of these 13 individuals as they minister to the Gabon people.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


There is just a little over a week left before the team leaves.  Please keep the visa process in your prayers.  The paperwork is all in, it just needs to be processed.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Preparation Continues

Time seems to be flying by quickly and before we know it the team will be on their way to Gabon.  The team continues to meet to go over the trip details and to build team unity.  Not only are they preparing as a team, but each is preparing their hearts to what God has in store for them on this trip.  Continue to keep this team and each of it's members in your prayers as they take these steps that God has laid before them.

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.  Proverbs 16:9 NLT

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

About the trip

There is a group of 13 individuals from Mountain Lake Alliance who are going in this trip to Gabon.  This team is there to support the missionary work that The Christian and Missionary Alliance is dong in Gabon.  The areas of ministry that they will be involved in include:  

HOPE HOUSE – (Abandoned children’s home) – Ministering to orphans.  

CFTAC – (National Church Bible School in Libreville) – Building and work projects: Add two guest rooms, Remodel the kitchen, Remodel two bathrooms.

MOBILE MEDICAL CLINIC – Educating and providing primary health care medicine to villages. 

WALK-IN CLINIC – Working with local daughter clinics of Bongolo Evangelical Hospital.  

The team will also grow in understanding of the people of Gabon, as they learn of their culture and how best to minister to them as they work with them.